
Zodiac - Horoscope & Religious Jewelry

The Zodiac has inspired humanity since Alexander
the Great conquered the world in 334 BC. To date the Zodiac is the basis for
the horoscope and can be seen and found in old tapestries, churches, palaces of
warship and synagogues around the world. One of the oldest mosaics depicting
the Zodiac was excavated in Beit Alpha synagogue built during early 6th
century. In modern synagogues, icons of animals and people are forbidden and
the mosaic in Beit Alpha is a testimony to different times.

Necklaces with a Zodiac pendant and the resurrection flower can be a personal and unique gift, a present for the holidays, or a birthday present for someone important and dear to us.

To shop our unique Zodiac pendants with the Rose of Jericho on them simply click on the picture below 😉

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